Deep Jariwala, assistant professor in the Department of Electrical and Systems Engineering, is the 2022 recipient of the IEEE Photonics Society Young Investigator Award. The IEEE Photonics Society is a technical community of more than 100,000 professionals dedicated to transforming breakthroughs in quantum physics into revolutionary devices, systems and products.
Jariwala, whose research lies at the intersection of solid-state opto-electronics and emerging low-dimensional materials, is being honored “for breakthrough advances in optical characterization and understanding of light-matter coupling in excitonic and strongly-correlated semiconductors,” according to the Society’s website. His other commendations include the Frontiers of Materials Award, TMS (2021) and the Army Research Office Young Investigator Program (YIP) Award (2019).
The award, established to honor an individual who has made outstanding technical contributions to photonics prior to his or her 35th birthday, consists of a certificate of recognition and an honorarium of $2,000.