Deep Jariwala Named to ‘Nano Letters’ Early Career Advisory Board

The American Chemical Society’s journal Nano Letters features an Early Career Advisory Board. There, junior researchers provide new perspectives and insights to their more senior peers.
Deep Jariwala, assistant professor in the Department of Electrical and Systems Engineering, has been named one of the advisory board’s four new members.
Jariwala, who is one of the 30 new faculty members who have joined Engineering in the past two years, is an expert in nano- and atomic-scale devices that could have applications in information technology and renewable energy, among other fields.
At the American Chemical Society’s Axial blog, Jariwala described his goals as a new board member:
The younger generation of scientists has the important responsibility of communicating science and the merits/impact of science and science education to the broader section of the society, not just in the U.S. but also beyond the U.S., particularly in Asia where the science community is growing at a much faster pace. Thus, as a member of the Early Career Advisory Board, I hope we can take some initiatives to reach out to more people through Nano Letters and engage the community to communicate the impacts of nanoscience and nanotechnology in everyday lives to the layperson. Besides that, I hope to interact with the editors and have a positive impact on the journal’s future.
Jariwala was previously named to the Forbes 30 Under 30: Science list.