Celia Reina Receives Eshelby Mechanics Award for Young Faculty

Celia Reina, William K. Gemmill Term Assistant Professor in the Department of Mechanical Engineering and Applied Mechanics, has been selected to receive the Eshelby Mechanics Award for Young Faculty. This award is given annually to emerging junior faculty who exemplify the creative use and development of mechanics. It includes a $1,500 cash prize and a commemorative plaque, and will be presented at the Applied Mechanics Division Awards Banquet during the International Mechanical Engineering Congress & Exposition in Pittsburg, PA in November 2018.
The award recognizes Reina’s development of “novel mathematical and computational techniques to investigate fundamental problems in continuum thermodynamics and mechanics. Inspired by optimal design of new materials, her work centers on understanding microstructure-property relations that intrinsically result from the collective behavior of material features at multiple length and time scales.”
Reina and her group focus on the multiscale modeling and simulation of material behavior, with a strong emphasis on inelastic and non-equilibrium processes. Areas of interest include modeling of plasticity in the large deformation setting, wave propagation in metamaterials and rapid phase transformations. Her group explores these processes with a highly interdisciplinary perspective that combines continuum mechanics, applied mathematics, and statistical physics. To learn more about Reina and her research, visit her faculty profile.
The Eshelby Mechanics Award, established in 2012, intends to promote the field of mechanics, especially among young researchers. The selection committee consists of five editors or editorial board members of mechanics journals. Learn more about the award here.